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Natren - Caninedophilus For Dogs 20ML/SYR-UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $14.49
Just as probiotics are a vital part of a healthy foundation for humans, they are an equally important factor in keeping animals healthy. Studies show that probiotics play a major role in the intestinal ecosystem.

Natren introduces three superior probiotic products for animals: one for dogs, one for cats and one for horses.

CanineDophilus, FelineDophilus and EquiFlora:
- are highly effective for both large and small animals
- promote thicker, shinier coats
- enhance energy levels
- help control bad breath
- support overall wellness by promoting healthy digestion and weight management

  • CanineDophilus and FelineDophilus were developed as a result of extensive research using probiotics in small and large animals throughout the United States and Europe.

  • FelineDophilus helps cats with hairballs.

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), lactic acid, natural antibiotics and other natural by-products.

  • The easy-to-use syringe is designed to deliver exact applications of two milliliters per tab.

  • Researched, formulated and manufactured only by Natren.




Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS

Enterococcus faecium, NCIB 10415

Total 3 billion cfu per 2 ml.

SIZE: 20 ml. Syringe

UPC: 052557120205

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