Soil + Seed + Root + Plant = Food = LIFE
HUmineral™ is commited to delivering consumers information and quality products that are from organic, natural and chemical-free sources in the form of whole foods and whole food supplements. Our products are born out of the desire to make a major difference to the consumers total body health and wellbeing. Our products are formulated with care, for infants to elderly and all derived and manufactured in the USA. Our products are mostly RAW, Sprouted, Vegan, Organic and/or Chemical free.
HUminerals’™ main focus is on the importance of providing MINERAL supplementation to our depleted and lacking diets, not provided in our food sources today. Our current and future products ranges from nutriceutical for internal to body/facial care, externally.
HUmineral™, is dedicated to ongoing research as we develop new products and launch our brands. Follow us on-line at Face Book, Twitter and other media’s, to stay connected. Tune in for our forthcoming Affiliate program and HUmini-member program, offering 10% discounts and Free Shipping on orders over $75.00.
Much of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We thank you for your referrals and for choosing to do business with HUmineral™. We look forward to continuing to earn your trust and business, while delivering to you, your clients, families and your businesses life changing quality products, that transform its consumer to a new level of health.
All our products are GMP manufactured and made here in the USA! |