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Gaspari Nutrition - Vasotropin 120 Tabs TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $36.99

  • Utilizes NOSPEP™, an NOS Promoting Bioactive Peptide Fraction*
  • Contains Naturally Occurring Nitrates Derived from a Real Plant Extract
  • Factors In An Endurance & Hyperemia Supporting Lactate Donor & Glycerophosphate*
  • Utilizes a Powerful Stilbene Based Nutrient Repartitioning Compound*

Let's face it, arginine just doesn't cut it anymore when it comes to eliciting truly effective pumps (i.e. hyperemia). Focusing on one or two physiological pathways to get an insane pump wasn't enough either. The companies who believe in intelligent formulation have already made the switch. By now you probably figured out that Gaspari Nutrition researchers pay close attention to the research trends, which is why we took a different approach to pushing the limits of blood engorged muscle. The first approach was to promote NOS activation by delivering a bioactive peptide fraction.* We then added a powerful herbal extract that delivered natural nitrates and a stilbene to assist with nutrient partitioning.* We finished off this ground breaking formula with both a lactate donor and a powerful glycerophosphate to support endurance and hyperemia.* Once all was said and done, researchers built the Gaspari’s first ULTIMATE PUMP SOLUTION and called it VASOTROPIN. Combining the right synergy of pump promoting ingredients was the key to success in creating Vasotropin. Get ready for the pumps of your life, only from Gaspari Nutrition.

UPC: 646511002494

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