primary role is to keep the thyroid gland healthy and manufacturing
sufficient thyroxine, a hormone that is needed throughout the body.
About 50 to 60 percent of the body's iodine is stored in the thyroid
gland, the rest is distributed throughout the body, especially in
ovaries, breast and prostate tissue, muscles, and blood. Iodine
plays an important role in many of the body's functions.
hormones control proper body metabolism that can influence energy
production and body temperature. Thyroid function influences
the adrenal glands, reproduction, nerve and muscle function, cellular
oxygen use, the health of hair, skin, and bones and the breakdown
of fats and proteins.
require higher iodine amounts during periods of puberty and pregnancy.
Insufficient iodine can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, dry skin,
increased blood fats, brain fog, bowel irregularity, hoarseness,
and delayed reflexes. Iodine is a very effective heavy metal detoxifer
of mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and bromide.

About the concentrate:
One drop is 75% of the US RDA. However, Iodine has beenmaligned
in mainstream medicine over the last 100 years to the degree that
the current suggested RDA will barely keep a Goiter at bay. According
to the latest research,
the RDA of 150 micrograms is woefully inadequate. Doses of
5 or more milligrams per day are now being recommended. Our
new concentrate addresses this issue and gives you the ability to
increase your dose to much higher levels, when necessary, and at
a much more affordable price. (See also: Why
do you need extra Iodine?)

of Deficiency:
of the symptoms of deficiency include; cold hands and feet,
no energy, sleeping all the time, brittle hair, unable to concentrate,
and heavy periods. When iodine is deficient, the thyroid gland enlarges,
forming a goiter, as it attempts to capture more iodine for the
production of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency causes the same
symptoms as an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The diagnosis
of iodine deficiency is based on tests indicating low levels of
iodine and thyroid hormones or a high level of thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) or on the presence of a goiter (only in adults).
Liquid Iodine is All Natural, 100% BIOAVAILABLE and contains NO
sugars, starch, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or animal
by-products. 100% VEGAN