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Deva Vegan Hair-Nails-Skin Support 90 TAB
PRICE: $8.05
Cells responsible for hair growth, smooth and healthy skin, and strong nails tend to be very active and require a steady supply of nutrients. Many necessary nutrients may not be delivered to the body externally. Our Vegan Hair Nails & Skin product works beneath your skin's surface, at the cellular level to promote natural beauty through supple skin, beautiful, shiny hair and stronger nails. Our robust formulation of vitamins and minerals makes it the perfect dietary supplement for healthy hair, skin, and nails*.

Our product:

  • Helps stimulate hair growth*

  • Makes fingernails stronger*

  • Makes skin softer and more healthy*

What makes our product unique is the synergetic formula. Besides the necessary vitamins and minerals our product also contains Aloe Vera (200:1 Extract), N-Acetyl-Cysteine (Plant source), MSM and Horsetail Extract Silica that are very important for healthy hair, skin and, nails. Biotin is crucial for hair growth according to many nutritionists and our modern diets may not provide sufficient of it. In addition, most multivitamins do not even have or have very little Biotin because it is a very expensive ingredient. This product has 333% Daily Value of Biotin per serving making sure you get what you need for your hair health*.


DEVA Hair Nails & Skin Supplement is 100% animal free, and guaranteed for purity, freshness and labeled potency. Remember all DEVA Products are 100% vegan, vegetarian and are certified by the Vegan Society, the non-profit organization that actually invented the word "vegan".

UPC: 895634000072

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