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Cytosport Monster Milk Banana 2.2Lb-UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $34.95

MONSTER MILKª is the most powerful, yet easily digestible, protein in history. Although it tastes like an ultra-rich shake, MONSTER MILKª advanced protein system makes it the ultimate nutritional tool for building monster size muscle.

FAST AND SLOW PROTEINS: MONSTER MILKª delivers the biggest blast of fast and slow proteins in history. Rapid-releasing anabolic whey, glutamine peptides and free form BCAA's are complemented by slower, anti-catabolic caseins and other complete milk protein isolates. This powerful combination of fast and slow proteins creates an "anabolic window" that lasts for hours.

SUPER EASY TO DIGEST: Our strategic use of Aminogen¨ (Patented Bio-Active Polypeptide Enzyme System) ensures extreme ease of digestion. Plus, MONSTER MILKª contains zero lactose to make it even easier to process. While MONSTER MILKª may be the most powerful protein in the world, it's still easy on your stomach.

BOOST YOUR NITROGEN BALANCE: MONSTER MILKª helps create positive nitrogen balance, the gold standard of anabolic potential. MONSTER MILKª provides high levels of essential amino acids to bathe muscle fibers in an "anabolic soup" to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth (hypertrophy).

MONSTER FEATURES: 50 GRAMS MULTI-SOURCE PROTEIN MATRIX - Completeness and balance to the extreme! Featuring Isolated Milk Protein, Whey Isolates, Casinates, Lactoferrin, L-Glutamine, Glutamine Peptides and free form BCAA's L-Valine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine.

50 GRAMS OF DIGESTABLE PROTEIN - 500 mg of Aminogen¨ ensures the breakdown of proteins into absorbable peptides.

MULTI-SOURCE FIBER COMPLEX - Digestive resistant maltodextrin (soluble dietary fiber) and chicory inulin (fructo-oligosaccharides) are an excellent source of dietary fiber.

MULTI-MONSTER SOURCE CREATINE - Kre-Alkaline¨ (pH stable creatine monohydrate) and creatine GCC (betaine anhydrous, glycocyamine) deliver monster results.

LEANLIPIDSª PLUS - Calorically dense Sunflower and/or Safflower oil, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Canola Oil and Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA) are excellent sources of energy for muscle growth.

UPC: 660726790403

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